Want your opinion to be heard? Join us for the Annual Meeting.

This meeting is your opportunity to vote on how G&G funds are distributed. Your vote counts! 

This is very important and attendance is HIGHLY encouraged.

Remember this is a chance for all the members to choose where our money is allocated to make the biggest impact.

Please register today!

Please Choose One Lunch Option (Please Specify Your Choice in the Registration Additional Notes):

  • Penne:
    Italian Sausage, Broccolini, Pomodoro, Basil
  • Herb Roasted Chicken:
    Tomato Sauce, Arugula, Creamy Polenta gf
  • Seasonal Veggie Dish

Want to attend virtually? Join the Annual Meeting Zoom call here:

Topic: GGF Annual Meeting

Time: Feb 23, 2022 11:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 4241 3471

Passcode: 630885

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Meeting ID: 849 4241 3471

Passcode: 630885

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